Tire / Car Dealer
For Tire and Car Dealers, SCANNECTTM QR Codes are an important tool for wheel logistics. Tires are individually traceable in the warehouse for example when storing winter- and summer tires. In the database, tires can be linked directly to a storage location.

Using handheld ID Readers or Smartphones offers cheap and fast solutions for reading SCANNECT
TM QR Codes. Handheld ID Readers are robustly designed for the industrial environment and can read SCANNECTTM QR Codes even under difficult light conditions in the warehouse. They are equipped with a special camera and a strong light. Their optimized reading algorithms can read black-on-black QR Codes reliably.

Tire-/Car Dealers can use the QR Codes for their end customer communication improving customer relationship via specialized marketing campaigns or customer retention programs (e.g. offering extended warranty).

When servicing a car or a tire, the QR Code can be scanned and information about tire performance and profile depth / tire pressure stored in the database to monitor performance. This enhances offering new tires right when the customer needs them.
In short, tire-/car-dealers benefit from SCANNECTTM in the following ways:
- Important tool for wheel logistics
- Traceability in the warehouse for storage of winter-/ summer tires
- 100 % traceability in case of tire recalls
- Enables continuous communication with the end customer
- Selected Marketing campaigns

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